Asian Vegetables
Showing 1–20 of 28 results
Amsoi Red Giant
$2.50 -
Amsoi Southern Giant
$2.50 -
Amsoi Vibrant Ultraviolet
$3.00 -
Baby Pak Choi – Green Stem
$3.00 -
Basella Alba / Green Malabar Spinach
$3.00 -
Basella Rubra / Red Malabar Spinach
$2.50 -
Canton Pak Choi
$2.00 -
Celtuce (Chinese Lettuce)
$2.50 -
Choy Sum Purple
$2.00 -
Corchorus Olitorius / Yuta
$3.50 -
Coriander Cilantro
$2.50 -
Cymbopogon / Lemongrass
$3.00 -
Hibiscus sabdariffa Roselle
$2.50 -
Lotus tetragonolobus
$2.50 -
Mizuna Golden streakes
$3.00 -
Mizuna Green streakes
$2.50 -
Momordica Abashi
$3.50 -
Mustard Golden Streaks
$2.00 -
Namenia / Baby Leaf
$2.00 -
Orach Magenta Magic
Showing 1–20 of 28 results