Squash Delicata




Unique appearance with cream skin and dark green longitudinal stripes and flecks. Tastes very sweet and the skin is tender enough to eat. Excellent for stuffing and baking, even right at harvest! This beautiful strain has gained a nice following in the specialty products trade. 7–9″ long

Sow Depth: 2-4 cm / Keep soil moist until emergence.

Row Spacing: 20-30cm

Plant Spacing: 40-60cm

Germination: 7-15

GROWING TIPS: Choose a location with full sun and fertile, well-drained soil is best, with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Row covers can and should be used to establish seedlings but removed when the first flowers begin to form. Gourds can also be grown on sturdy trellises. TRANSPLANTING: Sow 2 seeds 1″ deep in 3″+ containers 3 weeks prior to the transplanting date. If growing a mixed variety, sort seeds into groups by shape and size prior to sowing. Thin to 1 plant per container/cell with scissors. Harden off plants 4-7 days prior to transplanting. After the danger of frost has passed, transplant out at (small 18-24″), (medium 24-36″) and (large 36-48″). Space rows at 6-12. Handle seedlings carefully; minimal root disturbance is best. Peat pot containers work best. DIRECT SEEDING: Sow in late spring, when the soil temperature is at least 70°F and the danger of frost has passed. Sow 2 seeds at each spacing interval (above), 1″ deep; thin to 1 plant per spacing interval after seedlings are established.

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10 seeds


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